
Survival Seeds Non-Hybrid 27 Varieties of Survival Vegetable Seeds Heirloom Seeds Non GMO Survival Seeds Free Shipping!! $47.99

Product Features

  • FREE SHIPPING!! ONLY $47.99 27 Varieties
  • Non Hybrid Heirloom Survival Vegetable Seeds Non GMO Seeds
  • 27 Varieties labeled paper envelope, (not a Ziploc or Poly bag)&Heat Sealed in a resealable Mylar Bag
  • Step by Step Instructions on how to collect new viable seeds from your plants & Planting Instructions.
  • A NEVER ending food supply of Non-Hybrid, Heirloom, NON GMO first quality seeds for generations to come!!!

Product Description

Each variety of our Non Hybrid, Heirloom, Non GMO Seeds are package in a labeled paper envelope, (not a Ziploc or Poly bag) and Heat Sealed in a resealable Mylar Bag, like the Mylar Bag that The Svalbard Global Seed Vault use for storing their seeds. Planting and Harvesting Instructions for each seed is Included. Plus as a Bonus, a Step by Step Instructions guide on how to collect new viable seeds from your plants, thus providing a NEVER ending food supply of Non-Hybrid, Heirloom, NON GMO first quality seeds for generations to come!!! Know Exactly What You Are Getting!! Tomato: Beefsteak 75+ Seeds,Cucumber: Armenian Yard-Long 50+ Seeds, Broccoli: Waltham 29 300+ Seeds, Spinach: Bloomsdale Long Standing 50+ Seeds, Pinto Beans 50+ Seeds, Jalapeno Tam 50+ Seeds, Green Pepper: Yolo Wonder 50 + Seeds, Squash: Summer Crookneck 50+ Seeds, Okra: Clemson Spineless 50+ Seeds, Cauilflower: Snowball 50+ Seeds, Blackeyed Peas Blackeyed Peas 50+ Seeds, Romaine: Cimmarron 250+ Seeds, Onion: Red Burgundy50+ Seeds, Beans: Black Beans 50+ Seeds, Beans: Kidney Beans 50+ Seeds, Brussel Sprouts: 50+ Seeds, Eggplant: Black Beauty 50+ Seeds,Green Beans: Top Crop 50+ Seeds, Carrots: Imperator 58 300+ Seeds, Beets: Detroit Dark Red 200+ Seeds,Red Cabbage: Red Acre 150+ Seeds, Beans: Lima Henderson 50+ Seeds, Green Cabbage: Golden Acre 150+ Seeds, Radish Cherry Belle 125+ Seeds,Turnip: Seven Top 550+ Seeds, Chives 50+ Seeds.

